Customer Testimonials

Click the logos to learn what our customers are saying.

AIM Logo

[AGSE provides] excellent support.

Gabriela Martinez,
Aircraft Inspection & Management
AGSE offers it all… simplified design and operation, dependable and robust equipment… absolutely golden!
Phillipe Navarre,
Air France Industries
American Airlines Logo
[AGSE] continues to be a valuable resource in our efforts to use a safe [and efficient] product.
Antonello Davi,
American Airlines
We had some product inquiries that were all promptly answered by AGSE… very good customer support!
Can Uzumcuoglu,
Doric GmbH
AGSE is in a class of its own. Their engineering expertise and physical capabilities are second to none, which is why they are always ahead of the curve.
Mike Downey,
Etihad Airways
We’ve relied on AGSE for our tooling for decades. No one understands the equipment as well, so their solutions are always right on, and they’re simply the best when it comes to service.
Stephen Parham,
Powerplant Manager,
GSE Tool Support Logo

The whole [AGSE] team is helpful… [its sales representatives] process orders as quickly as possible, tech support responds promptly, and the [logistics] team helps with all sorts of queries when shipping.

Rachel Fox,
GSE Tool Support

[AGSE provides a] great product and service.

Alex Kruse,

[AGSE provides] high-quality products and excellent aftersales support.

Michael Busuttil,
Tooling & GSE Specialist,

I always tell others to look first at AGSE equipment.

Peter Wayman,
Maintenance Engineer, KLM
[We] recognize the advantages of AGSE products, such as lower price competitiveness, reliable quality, and good aftersales service!
Kai Zhao,
Kunming Airlines
AGSE continues to be one of [our] best suppliers with outstanding customer support and contract execution that goes above and beyond what is expected from a supplier.
Joe Rietman,
C-5M Ground Support Equipment,
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co.
AGSE provides us with timely support on product requests as well as useful advice on technical issues!
Hong Boon Pow,
Eagle Services Asia Pte Ltd
(A Pratt & Whitney Engine Center)
[We] are satisfied with the sales team at AGSE [as well as] the organization’s efforts to maintain competitive pricing!
Lulu Santiago,
United Airlines

[AGSE is] easy to work with and communicates well.

Lynn Waters,
ACMX Tooling,
United Parcel Service
US Navy

Great company and great products. I truly wish all the companies were this great to work with!

Frank White,
Fleet Logistics Support Squadron Fifty-Eight (VR-58),
United States Navy